Church Toolkit

Looking to make an impact in your area? We invite your church to host a community meeting about the dangers of Christian nationalism.

Not sure where to start? Here’s a step-by-step guide with resources you can use to make the meeting your own.

Determine in advance what your goals are for this meeting, and that will help you know how to plan and focus it. Don’t try to do too much in your first meeting — only so much can be done in a reasonable amount of time for an initial conversation. Click below for a list of common goals you can consider, logistics to think through and pitfalls to avoid.

Step one: Set your goals and make a plan

Step two: Get the word out about it

We are happy to provide you with copies of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism logo to use for a meeting that is not collecting funds or profiting off the logo. We also have sample text you can use to craft your promotional materials. If you want to open up your event to people outside of your church membership, get in touch with us so we can send an email to signers of the statement in your area.

Be sure to have a clear agenda for your meeting so you know what to cover and so everyone knows what to expect. We have a sample agenda available that sets aside time for moments of spiritual grounding, time to share definitions of Christian nationalism, group activities and more. You don’t have to start from scratch! Having an organized time for activity, reflection, and next steps will make sure you can achieve your goals.

Step three: Organize your meeting agenda

What are the biggest concerns from members of your community who came to this meeting? Do they see areas for partnership? Do you need to focus on awareness, advocacy or something else at this stage? Engage in new — and possibly overdue — conversations. We are happy to provide resources you can use during your meeting.

Step four: Host your meeting!

Step five: Follow up

Don’t let people leave and never hear from you again – send your attendees a follow up, and let us know how your meeting went. We have ideas for follow-up emails and a way you can contact our team so we can encourage you in this work, as well as learn from you. We’re in this together, and it takes all of us engaging to make a difference.

Have any problems with a link? Need something else?Let us know! Email us at with questions or suggestions on ways we can improve this toolkit.